Saturday, August 20, 2011

Just FYI...

Hello all,

A few of you have commented that you cannot post comments or that you have to create a profile to do so.  Please don't feel obligated to do this; feel free to email me at seems to work the best.  If you already have created a profile, more power to ya!

To answer Shoe, yes, the berries are tiny and they do pack quite a powerful punch--I dare say they are better than anything I've ever had from a store.  We successfully made a berry crisp that disappeared last night at a staff dinner, and are already scheming as to how we can make it into jelly or a chutney of some sort, as the blackberries aren't as sweet.  Dad, any tips?

Again, to Shoe: I should have clarified my comments before about the mud.  The streets are uneven dirt and rock, not really even qualifying as gravel.  When it rains, the mud is three inches deep at the minimum, thus the muck boots.  The kid inside me had a blast, because with the boots, I'm free to slosh right through puddles.  Actually, not free to do this, but expected to by the kiddos!   Next time it rains, I'll be sure to capture myself in my stylish footwear for you.

To those of you who are wondering, the tribe up here is Yup'ik.  That's not a typo.  They mostly live a life of subsistence; that is, they fish, hunt, berry-pick, etc.  Kids play outside around the clock.  As long as it is light outside, people are out walking around, or "playing out," as they call it.  Kids often pound on our doors to come play tag or to beg for cookies (which I honestly do not have as of yet---still waiting on my food and totes...).   That said, it can be a challenge to find a moment to myself, as there are only so many places to go here in the village.  Right now, I see that as a good thing.  We will need each other to get through the long winter.

One last thing: if you have Skype, let me know at the above email address.  I'd love to chat!

Bye for now!


  1. Are there any cute soap shops up there?!? I have Skype too, btw. I'll send you the info when I'm on my computer next.

  2. BTW, if you go to dashboard, settings, comments, you can choose to let anyone comment whether they are registered or not.

  3. You can also choose to not make us fill in a "captcha" every time!

  4. OK Halo Soap, I tried to fix that for you. You know me and technology...we don't always get along so well...
